Blog Overview

Aug. 5, 2013
This past June while serving as a faculty member at RELI (the Regional Entry Level Institute) at NYU, I had the pleasure of finally meeting the great Dr. Tom Ellett.  Although he needs no introduction, Tom is the Senior Associate Vice President of Student Affairs at NYU.  Tom serves as an ultimate role model for anyone in student affairs because of his passion, expertise, and energy.  In additional to the many responsibilities he has as the Senior Associate VP at NYU, Tom takes time to meet with every single RA at NYU.  As if that was not impressive enough, in addition to asking the RAs about their dreams, he also asks what their favorite book is and then reads each one!  His blog, "Here's What They're Reading" summarizes each of the books he reads in addition to keeping a master list of all the books his RAs have stated are their favorites over the years.

Thus, the inspiration for this blog.  With Tom's blessing I have started this blog to chronicle my meetings with RAs and other student leaders.  The twist with this blog however, is that I will also be asking my students about their favorite song and how they get the news from around the world.  I am curious about these two questions because everywhere you look on a college campus, students seem to be listening to music more than ever. (Earbuds constantly stuck in ears, headphones in the library, dining hall, etc.)   I am curious about how our students learn about the news because I have not seen a student reading a newspaper in years - but I know they are trying to stay connected to the world around them.

While I will not be reading all of my students' favorite books, I will be listening to their music.  Please check back often to learn more about their favorite books, favorite songs, and how our students stay current with news.  I am excited to share what I will learn from these questions along the way.

Most importantly, please also check out Tom's blog:

Thank you for connecting to my blog and thank you to my students for sharing with me!

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